
Showing posts from November, 2018
Argh this is hard Now I’m in a better place (in my mind, I haven’t moved to Barbados), I feel like I can better explain the last few months. I’m in such a good place, that I can’t remember the full extent of how bad it was, except when I read my first post again. Coby is 10 and half months. The current situation is he is with the foster carers that he initially went to. They’re still actively looking for adoptive parents, however I have asked them to stop looking after Christmas as I would rather he settled in a long-term foster care rather than moving around a lot. That and the fact that now things have settled, this plan is currently working for everyone involved and Coby being adopted, I don’t actually think I could cope with. My Mam visits him on a weekly basis and at the moment me, Seb and Isaac visit when we can every couple of weeks. I would hope that this can continue when he moves care. His carers are fantastic and they let us go whenever we want but obviously I d